Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 1....

I did it. I made it through my first day of classes. I have always had strong dislike for the first day of school. I find it to be uncomfortable and nerve wrecking. You are basically walking into the unknown. You have no idea what the professor is going to be like. How the class is going to be graded. And in my case, you have no idea who is taking the class with you. Meeting new people is definitely not my strong point. It is an experience which scares me beyond belief. However, I am proud to say that I have gotten better at it. For example, today I opted not to wear my "Hannah Montana" backpack today because I wanted to meet new people and make new friends, not be made fun of. Sadly, despite by ingenious plan, I didn't talk to a single soul. Now I am thinking that maybe I should have taken my "Hannah Montana" backpack to school. It might have had potential in others starting a conversation with me. Well, no worries. There is always tomorrow and the next day, and the next. And who knows, maybe I will meet my future husband in one of these classes.

Anyways, the first day of classes is always difficult. It comes bearing an unnecessary load of stress because it is the beginning of the 4 long months to come. Four months in which we will experience too much homework, too much studying, too much stress, and far too many sleepless nights. Four months in which we will experience the greatest of joys, the hardest upsets, our greatest achievements or our biggest disappointments and failures. And, for some unexplainable reason, we choose this. I choose this, and I am grateful for the opportunity I have to go to college, to further my education. This semester, despite how difficult it is going to be, is going to be a good one. I am sure of it. One day down, seventy-five more to go.

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