Monday, August 23, 2010

Goodbye Summer....

This post has been difficult for me to write for it has become so dear to my heart. It is difficult for I struggle to find the words in which will perfectly describe and memorialize the events of this past summer. For you see, after four amazing months I have grown, I have changed, and I have had experiences that I wish to never forget. This summer so much has taken place, so much has changed, and I pray that I will never forget any of it.

After four long months of living in the beautiful Utah mountains, my summer has come to an end. It has been a summer full of wonderful memories, wonderful friendships, many wonderful adventures, and lots of laughter. It has been a summer of growth and change. A summer of love. A summer of life. A summer of firsts. A summer of friendships. And a summer that I will never forget. This summer I experienced the greatest of joys and the greatest of sorrows. I lived, I loved, I laughed. I made mistakes and I fell. However, I picked myself up and learned from those mistakes. This summer I realized who I was, who I am, and who I can become. This summer I changed. I become more open, more confident, more independent, and less afraid of what others would think about me. I became loud and I pushed myself out of my comfort zone. This summer I made more friends than I could have ever imagined. This summer I found a best friend. This summer, the summer of 2010, I will cherish in my heart forever. Thank you Aspen Grove for giving me this wonderful opportunity to live, to love, and to laugh. To grow and to change. And most importantly, thank you Aspen Grove for blessing me with such wonderful friends.

First Week of Aspen Grove:

Last Week of Aspen Grove:

1 comment:

  1. I got tears in my eyes reading this. I'm so glad you've had this experience. Embrace the next one too!
