Sunday, September 5, 2010

BYU....Year 3....

The night before the first day of school is always interesting. To some it's like Christmas Eve and to others its a night they pray will never come to end for fear of what the tomorrow may bring. To be honest, for me personally, the night before the first day of school is one that I pray will never come to an end for fear of what tomorrow may bring. This year I began my Junior year of college here at Brigham Young University and it began just like all the other years. I woke up that Monday morning at 6:00 a.m. contemplating the classes that I would attend that day. With each minute I became more and more fearful of the unknown.

With each new semester there are new classes, new professors, new trial, and new challenges. And with each new semester the same fear I always have creeps up inside of me and I begin to second guess myself. I begin to doubt myself, I begin to doubt in my abilities and potential, and my self-confidence lowers dramatically. This semester has been no different. This semester began just like all the other, I feared that I would not be able to succeed in any of my classes. I feared that my classes would be hard, too hard that I would not be able to do well in them academically.

With so much fear, stress, and worry I called my mom for help, strength, support, and comfort. Being the wonderful mother she is, she sweetly reminded me that this same fear, stress, and worry comes every semester, yet every semester, despite how difficult my classes are, I succeed in them. Every semester I work hard and achieve the desired grades that I had hoped for. She then wisely told me, "Never second guess yourself.....No excuses."

This semester will require more dedication, more motivation, and more hard work than any other semester that I have completed. However, I know that if I work hard and do the absolute best that I can do, then I will be able to do well in all of my classes this semester. With hard work and determination, nothing is impossible.

Game #1: BYU vs. Washington

1 comment:

  1. You will succeed this semester just like all the other semesters! Great photos, love the black and white of the Cougar.
