Sunday, March 28, 2010

Aspen Grove....

Last week I had my second interview with Aspen Grove family camp. At the end of the interview they told me that they would give me a call in a day or so to let me know if I got the job. The next day as I was at work I got the call. Unfortunately, I was unable to answer it but as soon as my shift ended I ran outside to call them back. Well, they offered me the job and of course, without hesitation, I accepted! It still seems so surreal. I cannot believe that I will get to spend my whole summer living in the gorgeous mountains of Utah. I am so excited and cannot wait to document by experience to share with all of you. It's going to be a fun summer!

And of course here is a quote for the week:

Be yourself, cause life's to short to be somebody else!

1 comment:

  1. It's going to be a great summer for you! Great photo.
