Sunday, June 13, 2010

"You Are Awesome..."

Tonight as I sit in my bed and reflect upon the past weeks events words seem to escape me. Being up here at Aspen Grove has given me the opportunity to think about my life. To think about who I was, who I am, and who I want to be. Aspen Grove has changed me and has allowed me to grow. This I am so grateful for. I am no longer the girl who sits quietly in the crowd and somehow blends in to the point where she is forgotten. Today I am brave, today I am open and expressive, today I am comfortable with who I am, today I no longer care about what others may think of me, today I am me. Someone I greatly admire once said, "I am loud because for too long I have been quiet." Today I am loud because for too long I have been quiet and it is time for my voice to be heard. Today I started living every to its fullest. Today and everyday I will do whatever it takes to make my dreams come true. Today I am full of love, life, happiness, joy, and laughter.
A few months ago I wrote a post about fear. I specifically wrote about my personal fear of speaking in public and putting myself out there. However, being up here at Aspen Grove has allowed me to overcome that fear with power. Now my deepest fear is this:

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond imagination. It is our light more than our darkness which scares us. We ask ourselves- who are we to be brilliant, beautiful, talented, and fabulous. But honestly, who are you not to be so?"
~Marianne Williamson

Week #6:

Frontier Night:

1 comment:

  1. You are awesome Jess! It's so great to see how you are growing and having fun doing it. Love you!
